Rejuvenating Interiors To Enhance Everyday Life

Because renewed spaces stimulate our senses

Understated appeal

Conscientious Design

Meaningful to you

Discussing your project ideas is the beginning to their conceptualization...

Designing personal space is personal and developing one’s unique style into a nuanced space of vibes to enhance their best self… is a shared process worth discussing, together.

Click here to schedule an easy chat about your project.

Redesign should and will vary for every homeowner yet, should still achieve that renewed state of mind we seek, regardless of a project’s size.

It takes passion changing project goals into successful conclusions. We’ll gain our agreeability and common ground through Ventana Design’s ability to convey the big picture to you and utilizing our design process. Our aim is to provide value for your purchase.

Note a few before and after shots from recent projects…some still a work in process. Notice anything?

We’re creating new momentum and beauty without moving walls... Let’s get curious about your space, schedule your chat, today.

The beautiful spaces in my home are warm and comfortable. Jan studies how each room and spaces are to be utilized by each family member and guests. I love the unique textiles and the beautiful colors she brought in. My home definitely has a wonderful style!

— Bobbi, Monterey

Conscientiously creating smart, healthy interiors with rejuvenated, understated appeal.

Meaningful to you